May 30, 2023

Can Plants Build Healthy Soil?

Can Plants Build Healthy Soil? In part three of our series on regenerative principles for soil health our topic is: maintain living roots. The first couple of principles were: minimize soil disturbance and protect soil surface. The other two principles are: companion planting and animal integration. Plants play an amazing […]
May 29, 2023

3 Favorite Edible Flowers

3 Favorite Edible Flowers Edible flowers are a timeless culinary delight. Flowers are a beautiful addition to many gourmet meals and beverages. Warning! Do not eat any flowers that have been sprayed with pesticide, or that have come from florists, garden centers, roadsides, or other locations where you cannot verify […]
May 23, 2023

Does Your Soil Need Protection?

Does Your Soil Need Protection? This article is the second in a five-part series on regenerative principles for soil health. The first principle that we talked about is: minimize soil disturbance. Today’s principle is: protect soil surface. The other principles we’ll cover are: maintain living roots, companion planting, and animal […]
May 22, 2023

3 Steps to Growing Edible Flowers

3 Steps to Growing Edible Flowers Most people don’t think of flowers as a food source, yet edible flowers add flavor, complexity and color to both landscapes and the dinner plate. In our post last week we discussed whether or not edible flowers taste good. Today we discuss four secrets […]
May 16, 2023

Is Tilling Necessary?

Is Tilling Necessary? By Chris Stevens Who wants to work harder, not smarter? Can I see a show of hands? I didn’t think so. Most gardeners and homesteaders appreciate learning better ways of doing things. Tilling is time-consuming work so if there is an easier and better way to have […]
May 15, 2023

Selecting Your Theme for an Elegant Edible Landscape

Selecting Your Theme for an Elegant Edible Landscape When creating an Elegant Edible Landscape with Agriscaping it is important to know which type of theme you are wanting to incorporate into your design. Knowing which theme you would like helps to know which type of plants to incorporate to keep […]
May 8, 2023

Homestead for Health

Homestead for Health By Chris Stevens Lifestyle is one of the biggest contributing factors to myriads of health problems, and good lifestyle choices are one of the biggest contributing factors to a vibrant, healthy and enjoyable life. It’s all about understanding the right choices to make. Sadly, many people face […]
May 8, 2023

Landscape Design for Optimal Workflow

Landscape Design for Optimal Workflow Many people are not living in their homes for more than 7 years statistically. With this in mind you need to think about how your edible landscaping is laid out so that it is easy to manage and produces food in a shorter amount of […]
May 2, 2023

Think Outside the Garden Rows

Think Outside the Garden Rows By Chris Stevens The keyword here is “think.” Whether you’ve already got some land of your own or you’re starting in a single room, what are your homesteading goals? Shut off the noise and think about what is really important going into the future for […]
May 1, 2023

7 Levels of Raised Bed Gardening

7 Levels of Raised Bed Gardening Agriscaping is all about having an elegant edible landscaping. There are many ways to create this, however one of the techniques is to use raised beds. When choosing which raised bed to use we can be there to help create one that is unique […]
April 25, 2023

Consider Joining The Local Food Economy

Consider Joining The Local Food Economy By Chris Stevens There are a lot of ways to experience gardening! Some people just want to purchase garden-fresh produce. Others want a garden that feeds their family. Still others would love to have their garden pay for itself. But many people enjoy gardening […]
April 24, 2023

Prepping Your Plants to Grow Your Own Health (Part 4 of 4)

Prepping Your Plants to Grow Your Own Health (Part 4 of 4) We have covered assessing your needs, selecting your Farmacy plants, and starting your own FARMACY. The final step to growing your own health is to prep your plants for use. Let your season be your guide. Ask yourself […]