July 13, 2017

ACE Alex Billingsley Talks With AZTV!

Agriscaping Certified Educator Alex Billingsley appeared on AZTV to talk about vertical gardening, heat tolerant plants and making sure your plants stay cool in the extreme heat. Learn more about Alex’s vertical gardens here! no-repeat;center top;; auto -KLWybKDXGA 700 400
July 13, 2017

Spokane Agriscaper Creates Crop-Swap

Spokane area Agriscape designer Hilary Nickerson had an idea, and she ran with it! When presented with the idea that she’s about to have an abundance of harvest she decided to create a ‘crop-swap’ at a local park. The crop-swap will help area gardeners trade fruits and vegetables they have […]
June 28, 2017

Plants That Bully Bugs!

It is that time of year when we all want to be outside enjoying the beautiful weather. One problem: the bugs are out in full force too. However, there is some good news. Certain plants can help with that. That’s right; there are plants that you can place around your […]
May 16, 2017

Fruits And Vegetables Your Dog Will Love

We all know that fruits and vegetables are good for us, and are quite tasty too. However, were you aware that there are fruits and veggies you can feed Fido as well? no-repeat;center top;; auto We all know that fruits and vegetables are good for us, and are quite tasty […]