Benefits of Subterranean Trampoline Gardens

Microclimates are a key components to creating an elegant edible landscape. Justin, the founder of Agriscaping, decided to try out using the microclimates that are provided by shade. He had the brilliant idea of using the shade provided by a trampoline. This has since then become a popular installation provided by Agriscaping.

He created an underground secret garden underneath an in-ground trampoline. The trampoline garden is 7 feet deep with layered raised gardens around the edges. This leaves a center area that is perfect for having a place to sit and enjoy the garden, read a book, meditate, or just hide out.

Having the garden 7 feet underground has many benefits. The soil is 72 degrees year round in Arizona. It provides humidity which is perfect for growing tropical plants. It provides day long shade where you can even grow indoor plants. It is dual purposing so that people can be jumping on the trampoline while you are working or resting underground without an issue. Subterranean trampoline gardens create the perfect underground sanctuary.

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