3 Steps to Prepping for a Productive Fall Planting Season!
Fall is right around the corner! There are a few things you can do now to help prepare for a productive fall season. This week we are going to take a look at what you can do to plan for it.
1. Soil Prep: It’s been a LONG, EXTREMELY HOT SUMMER and if your garden has survived, it’s been sucking up all the nutrients out of your soil along the way. Now is the time to replenish! If you've been growing, the nutrients are likely gone…
~ Cut out, don’t rip out, cut out previous plants just below soil level
~ Add some slow-release organic fertilizer
2. New Mulch! Add at least an inch of dark compost.
~ Crop rotation: What was growing in the soil before today? For best results, rotate in the following order. Root, Fruit, Bean, Green… Root, Fruit, Bean Green
3. Pick the right plants! Pick plants you love. Do you want them to be ripe for your favorite holiday? Check the days they will be ready to harvest so that you know they will be fully grown and full of flavor when it's time to cook them up.
~ What Varieties are Best for Your Micro-Climates? If you don't know your microclimates, we can help! Schedule a consultation today at Agriscaping.com
~ Seed or Start? If you are planting corn, peas, or carrots these are all best via seed.
Start planning today for a plentiful harvest in the fall. What are you going to start growing for your holiday meals?
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