4 Benefits to Growing Indoors

4 Benefits to Growing Indoors

Written by: Cindy Dixon

More and more families are creating their own food security by growing their own right in their backyard! Even those that live in apartments and condos are growing their own food indoors. Creating your own elegant edible indoor garden is the hip thing to do. However, there are some things you’ll need to consider when tempted to grow food indoors:

1. Location – Location – Location:
You’ll have fresh, delicious food right at your fingertips without having to find the nearest restaurant or wait for delivery. You don’t need to rent a storefront or have a large area to grow. All you need is a window and a counter-top to grow heavenly, nutritious food.

2. Grow Year Round!
Don’t worry about store hours or days of the week to enjoy delectable goodies. The kitchen is always open and ready to harvest a tasty treat every day of the year. When you control your environment, chances are you won’t have to put up with pests or unwelcome guests (aka insects/weeds).

3. Food Security
You’ll know exactly what is and isn’t in your food. Since you decide when to harvest, you know the food is fresh and hasn’t been sitting on a shelf for days. Growing food could be the beginning step in self-sufficiency while saving a lot of dough at the same time.

4. Healthy
Food that is alive is more nutritious. You don’t have to wait too long to begin eating wholesome food. In as little as a few days, you can have sprouted micro-greens at home. They are easy, quick, inexpensive, and fun! Why not spice things up while you’re at it by growing herbs! Herbs are used for a variety of things from aromatherapy to culinary uses to cleaning products as well as home remedies, to name a few.

The bottom line is growing food indoors is a tasty idea. We hope you’re tempted to rise to the occasion!

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