Indoor Agriscaping – Food at Your Fingertips

*By Cindy Dixon

Have you thought about growing food, but didn’t know where to start? How about trying your hand at Indoor Agriscaping! Now is the perfect time to start growing indoors since you’re not tied down to a specific growing season. Growing food indoors happens year-round! Your kitchen is always open, ready for a tasty treat at your fingertips every day of the year. In fact, studies have shown, when set upright, a good indoor growing system can be more economical and efficient than traditional gardening. Fruits and vegetables grown indoors taste better, too.

Talk about fast food at your fingertips, in as little as 7 days you could be harvesting your first crop of sprouts. There are a wide variety of seeds that you can use for sprouting: radish, sunflower, legumes, to name a few. Micro-greens (grown soil/other growing media) offer another option for an easy, highly nutritious way to grow indoors. Sprouts and micro-greens are inexpensive, easy, very nutritious, and FUN to grow year-round!

Imagine growing food for your family throughout the year and not have to do any major weeding or pest control. When you control your environment, chances are you won’t have to put up with pests and unwelcome guests (aka insects/weeds). It’s just one more reason growing indoors can be handy for you and your family.

What about space for your interior garden? Limited indoor space doesn’t need to be an obstacle. Gardening indoors doesn’t require a lot of space. All you need is a window and windowsill/countertop. In addition, there are many creative ways to grow in a small space: 3-tiered baskets, table-top units, containers, and living walls are just a few ideas to help you grow your food handily indoors.

During these unsettling times, food security is a concern. You’ll know exactly what is and isn’t in your food. Since you decide when to harvest, you know your food is FRESH and hasn’t been sitting on a shelf for days. Food that is alive is more nutritious. You literally have nutrient-rich food at your fingertips!

For a handful of money and time, you can start your indoor gardening adventure. Before you know it, you’ll be clapping for joy as you watch your plants grow! You might even get some High 5’s from your family, too! Whether you’re growing micro-greens, herbs, vegetables, or fruits, gardening is the IN thing to do!

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* You can find out more about Cindy Dixon at .