Heat-Loving Edibles for Summer Gardening Success

YES, you can still grow some awesome edibles in your garden, even in a scorching-hot summer! Here are a few of my favorites and where to grow them in your yard… 

Pineapple Guava
This beauty gives you a beautiful blue-green ever-green foliage and one of the SWEETEST, showy flowers on the planet (it literally tastes like cotton candy! And, even without the pedals, can still produce a fruit for you! 

The Natal Plum 
The Tomlinson has the same great look AND produces a sweet, red fruit that adds both a pop of showy color in the summertime as well as a delicious, healthy fruit called “num-num” in parts of Africa. Just be sure you wait till they are fully ripe… dark red and slightly shriveled like a fig, otherwise the starchy-white sap will not have broken down to its honey-sweet self. 😊  

Indian Ridge-Gourd (aka: the LOOFA!)
From seed to some wonderful shade in about a month! Dense, dark, beautiful green foliage with a wonderful yellow (sometimes white) flower. The young, green “Indian Ridge Gourd” is awesome to eat. Let them grow to this chocolate brown and SURPRISE, it really is that scrubbing-buddy hiding inside! 

Called “The Miracle Tree” for so many reasons… the leaves are considered a super-food for its dense wide-range of vitamins and nutrients, its young pods are called “drumsticks” for their thick, almost meaty goodness, the flowers are a fresh add to any salad, and the seeds can not only be pressed into an oil, they can be used to help purify water! Can grow from SEED to 16 feet tall in less than a year! 

Sweet Potato!
Grown often just for the beautiful, bright ground cover, when grown like an edible (no systemic pesticide or synthetic colot enhancers) the leaves are an awesome ad to any dish that would include a kale! BONUS: when fall comes around, you can dig up the roots and eat them too! (sweet potatoes of course!)   

Check out www.Agriscaping.com for more information or to hire a locally Certified Agriscaping pro and get an Elegant Edible Landscape of your very own! 

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