5 Patio Gardening Tips and Tricks

As AWESOME as spring is here in Arizona, it can still be a challenge to grow on a patio but not anymore! Here are the Top 5 Patio Gardening Tips so you can have success this Spring!

1. Know Your Microclimate! (aka: Where’s the Sun?) Click Here to check out our webinar on March 27th

a. The different zones are labeled A, B, C, D, E, F

b. You will want to plant the right variety at the right spot at the right time

2. Container Check:

a. Is your container ready for drainage or is it sealed

b. Check your water source, are the plants getting enough water

3. Healthy Soil:A healthy soil creates healthy plants

4. Starts:

a. Healthy Starts are very important, know what to look for when choosing a starter plant

b. What to plant on the patio right now: Tomatoes, Peppers, Herbs, and Eggplant

c. Succession Planting: Agriscaping has a Planting Rhyme to help you know what to plant next "Root, Fruit, Bean, Green"

5. Routines:

a. DIY = Plant, water, harvest, repeat...

b. Automate where you can

c. Be aware of what to plant and when to harvest!

Check out Agriscaping.com for your own planting and harvesting Calendar for the Southwest!

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