4 Levels of Frost Protection for Your Garden!

We are falling into winter and it’s starting to get cold outside!!! Is your garden ready? Will it survive? If your tender plants get nipped by the frost they might never recover! The effects of frost begin at 40 degrees for some plants! You will want to make sure you take the proper steps to keep them protected.

Here are the 4 levels of frost protection for your garden this winter:

1. Bring it INDOORS! If you have any potted plants it might be best to bring them indoors for their own protection. This way they will stay nice and warm and bring a little more ambiance to your home.

2. Water Before a Freeze. Water is an insulator and when filled in the cells of a plant it will help keep it strong. Water in the soil will actually help the soil to stay warmer than dry soil would.

3. Frost Cloth. Cloth-based covers are best, not plastic. Place them on the plant in the afternoon before the cold descends to retain the heat of the day.

4. Twinkle Lights. Yep, those wonderful lights we put on our houses this time of year make great little heaters, that is as long as you use the “old” incandescent ones, not LED' - LED's don't put off any heat at all.

If you really want to increase the resistance of the cold to your plants you will want to do a combination of the tips above. Stay warm this winter!

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