How To Grow Mouthwatering Flavorful Food

How To Grow Mouthwatering Flavorful Food

Did you know that produce picked at their peak growth are more full of that mouthwatering flavor you love? Many times grocery stores will purchase their produce from across the country (or even from outside of the country)! This could mean that the produce was picked before it’s ready and would ripen in crates as it is transported. This reduces the amount of robust flavor you could taste if you bought it from your local farmers market or CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) program.

Not only does produce that is picked at peak increase the flavor, but so does the fact that it goes from the source to your mouth that much quicker, before the flavor starts to fade. Imagine an apple being picked in the morning and delivered to your hands in the afternoon. There is nothing like taking a bite out of a freshly picked apple, fully ripened, with the juices running down your chin!

With the short time between harvest and delivery that purchasing from local farmers can provide, there is no need for that wax coating. Many large farmers use a wax coating to preserve and beautify their produce so it looks and feels desirable to the purchaser. If you’ve ever picked an apple fresh off the tree, you will be able to tell a difference between the look of a fresh apple and a waxed apple, and the taste is so much better with fresh!

So find your local farmers market, join a local CSA or grow your own fruits and vegetables that you can pick yourself. Agriscaping can help!

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