Agriscaping with Kids

Agriscaping with Kids

Kids and Agriscaping go hand in hand. They love to eat what they make and getting their hands dirty. It challenges the kids to problem solve, teaches patience and the ability to care for things. They are also able to feed their brain as well as their stomachs. It also creates positive social skills and helps them to bond as they garden with their friends and family.

As we work with kids on Agriscaping there are some Garden Bee’s that we like to implement and you can use them as well.

  • Bee caring
  • Bee helpful
  • Bee respectful
  • Bee responsible
  • Bee creative

This helps the kids to take ownership and be responsible. When gardening, it is important to go over the use of garden tools with them. Don’t just assume they know how to use them.

Making mud pies is always a fun activity for kids. It helps to learn about the different kinds of soil and what they feel like when they dry. It is a fun learning activity to learn about the different types of soil.

Another fun learning lesson is to work with worms. Finding worms inside your soil is a good thing. Worms act like miniature farmers. They turn the soil by bringing the organic matter from the top and mixing with the soil below. During this process, they loosen the soil with their tunnels. The mucus from the worm’s skin aids in the formation of aggregates (soil crumb structure). These tunnels are important since they allow water, air and plant roots to travel through the soil. This process also contributes to beneficial enzymes in the soil. All this is happening while the worms are leaving nutrient-rich castings, along the way.

You and your kids can learn more about Agriscaping and growing together inside our Agriscaping Mastery Program. Be sure to take a look at what is included.