11 Edible Flowers To Enjoy

Last week we discussed the 5 Fundamentals of Growing Flowers. This week we are going to discuss some of our favorite flowers and what you can use them for. Not only can you create elegance and a splash of color to your yard, but you can eat them too! If you have any flowers or flower recipes you enjoy, please let us know so we can share them with others by emailing marketing@agriscaping.com.

Now let’s get into our bouquet of flowers:

Amaranth can be added to your popcorn to add extra color and flavor. Their leaves can be used in salads and stir fry’s.

Carnations are great in desserts like ice cream. They grow great when planted under a plum tree

Coreopsis create clouds of beautiful bright flowers. They are kind of peppery and some would even say spicey.

Daylily taste almost like a peach and are great in desserts like cakes and ice cream. The lighter the color the better they flavor they are. The darker the color the more bitter they get. Keep in mind these flowers can be poisonous to dogs.

Dianthus range from sweet to peppery. They are great in salads and as a garnish to brighten up your plate.

Gardenia are a sweet, buttery flower that can be used in either salads or desserts.

Hibiscus have a mild sweet flavor. We like to make a hibiscus limeade to drink in the summertime.

Lavender is a popular flavor. You might have even been to an ice cream shop that sells a lavender flavor. It makes a beautiful garnish and can add character and flavor to your salads. It can be sweet or bitter and very aromatic. It makes a great tea and lemonade.

Marigold are a great companion plant to your tomatoes. They can be lemony and peppery flavors. We like to grab the entire flower and keep the seeds to replant later. There is a seed attached to every petal.

Pineapple guava petals (the photo) are great to eat right off the flower. If you don’t eat the whole flower and leave it on the branch, it will still grow the fruit. These particular flower petals taste a lot like cotton candy and are a fun treat when you are in the middle of gardening.

Squash flowers are wonderful to batter and deep fry. You can also stuff them with herbs and cheese. They are also great to sauté and add cinnamon or give them a honey glaze. The male flowers have the really long stems, you want to eat those, but not all of them. When they are closed and curled is the best time to eat them (after they have already bloomed).

If you want to learn more about growing edible flowers, be sure to join our Agriscaping Mastery Program to learn all about them and so much more.

Photo: https://pixabay.com/photos/feijoa-flower-edible-petals-plant-4208712/